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The Woodlands High School
Lady Highlander Soccer
Lady Highlanders Soccer Booster Club

President - Terri Cahill
Vice President - Lori Koehler
Treasurer - Caroline Kauppinen
Secretary - Anne Rice
Tournament Director - Rebecca Mills
Photographer - Jennifer Manley
Senior Parent Reps - Michelle White & Dina Graves
Booster Club Fees
Please include a completed fee sheet with any partial or full payment. Forms and stapled checks can be given to Coach Whitlock at school or brought to the next booster club meeting.
Thank you for your support.
Booster Club Fees are due Thurs Dec 20th!!
Upcoming Booster
Club Meetings
Wednesday, Sept 11th @ 6PM - TWHS 9th
Wednesday, Dec 4th @ 6PM - TWHS 9th
Booster Club Fees Sheet
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