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Parent Volunteer Sign Up

The Lady Highlander Soccer program and their Booster Club are dependent on parents to volunteer throughout the year in order to be able to successfully do everything we do.  Parent volunteers are needed especially for working tournaments during our tournament season.  Our program uses the site, Sign Up Genius to organize our parent volunteers.  Please view the different volunteer opportunities listed below and sign up via Sign Up Genius to sign up for specific volunteer tasks and shifts.  Thank you! 

Lady Highlander Tournament


All Parents

Volunteer at the Lady Highlander Invitational Tournament January 2nd-4th, 2025.  All families are required to volunteer for at least two shifts. Please double-check your daughter's game schedule before signing up for a shift!

Sign up here!

Varsity Game Press Box/Announcers:


Varsity Parents

Stay warm and dry in the press box! Sign up to announce the home and visiting roster/teams at the start of the game; recognize our program sponsors and run the clock!

Sign up will be posted

at a later time!

Varsity Team Dinners


Varsity Parents

Host and feed the Varsity team the evening before district home games. This is a fun Lady Highlander tradition and a great way to get to know the girls! 

Sign up here!

JV White Team Dinners

JV White Parents

Host and/or feed the JV White team the evening before district home games. 

This is a fun Lady Highlander tradition and a great way to get to know the girls! 

Sign up here!

Lady Highlander Tournament Hospitality


All Parents

Donate snacks, fruit, beverages, or Hospitality room set-up materials for the visiting coaches, college scouts, and referees who will be at the January 2nd-4th, 2025 Lady Highlander tournament.

Sign up here!



All Parents

Our concession stand, located between the grass field and the Willig Field, will be open for business at every home game. Sign up to work a shift when your daughter is NOT on the field. There are plenty of opportunities and it's always a lot of fun.

Sign up here!

JV Green Team Dinners

JV Green Parents

Host and feed the JV Green team the evening before district home games. 

This is a fun Lady Highlander tradition and a great way to get to know the girls!   

Sign up here!

Coaches Meals

All Parents

Order, pick up and deliver a meal to our coaching staff. This is a huge help to our coaches who put in long hours to ensure a successful season.


Sign up here!



TWHS Lady Highlander Soccer players, coaches and booster club thank all of our parents for volunteering your time to support our players and program.  We would not be able to do what we do without your generous support.

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